Outlining a filled object

Hi, im having trouble with some text. I’ve entered the text into Flash using the text button as normal, but i want to add an outline to it (as well as a fill). Does anyone know of an easy way to do this? or am i missing something completely obvious, or am I just being lazy?

Thanks very much for any help anyone can give.


maybe the ink bottle tool? :slight_smile:

:sigh: thanks very much.

no problem :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: wow … that was my first post in the flash 5 section !! =)

you can break the text apart then add an outline using the inkbottle tool…

but then it will not be editable text…

benefits of this are that you can have both an outline graphic on its own or you can have just the filled text …

choose the colourscheme that you want to use by making them both symbols and then tinting them…

play about with it to get your desired effect…

it will result in a smaller file size for your movie

::::: AnOraK :::::