Outro transition when another button is pressed

Hi my name is Mike and this is my first post here : )
I started to learn flash and actionscript one week ago and have been thruu every tutorial I can find on the net so far and my first flash-site is almost done.

but now to the problem: I have made a menu with 3 different items, and want to show different MCs below this menu when a button is clicked. Ok I can do this with my basic knowledge but I cant figure out how to get this transitions between the MCs.

If I click on button 1 I want Mc 1 to build up with some transitions, and if I click on button 3 I want mc1 to play a outro before mc3 builds up… I found a tutorial here on kirupa that makes almost the same with external SWFs…

I want to learn how to do this so much and hope someone can give me some hints so I can understand better how to do it : )

“I tryed to search before I posted this but didnt really know what to search after… sorry”

// mike