Overall problems

Hey guys, I have been posting for a while on my game that I am currently working on. We have figured out the gravity, thanks to sacrificial lamb :D, but there are so many other problems I have not been able to figure out for the past 2 weeks. So for now, I am just making a post with ALL of my problems in some hope that you guys could help me out.

I can attach the Fla tommorow if needed.

Here is the code to the side movements and jumping:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    fall += 2;
    //How can I have the camera follow him up and down when he falls to a lower platform?
    if (walking) {
        if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
            xspeed = -speed;
            this._xscale = -100;
            _root._x += speed;
        } else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
            xspeed = speed;
            this._xscale = 100;
            _root._x -= speed;
        } else {
            xspeed = 0;
            walking = false;
    for (i=1; i<=platforms; i++) {
        ground = _root["g"+i];
        if (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+1, true)) {
            fall = 0;
            walking = true;
            //How can I have the camera follow him when he jumps side to side as well?
            if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE) && fall<1 && jumping == false) {
                if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
                    _root._x += speed;
                } else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
                    _root._x -= speed;
                } else {
                fall = -20;
                walking = false;
        } else if (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+fall, true)) {
            while (ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y+fall, true)) {
            walking = true;
            jumping = false;
    this._y += fall;
    this._x += xspeed;
  1. The first problem, is how I can have the camera follow him when he falls to a lower platform. As you can see I have the camera (_root) change when he moves side to side, how can I have this done when he jumps to a higher platform or falls to a lower one?

  2. The second problem is in the jumping, when the character moves side to side as previously stated, the _root follows him by changing its _x. But when he jumps side to side the _root remains still. How can I have the root move side to side just like how he runs side to side as well?

Here is the code to the regular attack:

//regular attack
    //Why does this not work correctly?
    if (Key.isDown(65) && !this.fight) {
        this.fight = true;
    this.fight = false;
  1. My problem here, is that when A is pressed, he will go to the frame inside of him named “attack”, on this frame is a movieclip of his attack punch, which is also how the running is done. But the problem is when you press A he will only go to the first frame of the attack motion and will not play the entire punch, I have no idea how to fix this…

Here is the code to the gun:

//gun shooting       
    bulletlayer = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bulletlayer", 99);
    bulletcount = 0;
    gunshoot = function (type, x, y, dx) {
        var nm = "bull"+bulletcount;
        bulletlayer.attachMovie(type, nm, bulletcount);
        bulletlayer[nm]._x = x;
        bulletlayer[nm]._y = y;
        bulletlayer[nm].dx = dx;
        bulletlayer[nm].onEnterFrame = function() {
            //why does this not apply and move the bullet?
            this._x += this.dx;
            if (this._x<=-10) {
        bulletcount %= 10;
    if (this.hitTest(_root.gun)) {
        gun = true;
        //why does the gun not remove itself?
    if (Key.isDown(83) && gun == true) {
        walking = false;
        gunshoot("bullet", this._x, this._y, 10);
  1. This gun has been giving me lots of issues, in the first part of the code, where the x and y positions are declared in the function, work fine. But the bulletlayer[nm].onEnterFrame function will not work, The bullet simply appears at his feet for as long as you have the button pressed down. How can I fix this as well? :h:

  2. My last problem in the gun coding, is when the character hits the root.gun, it will not remove itself, I am at a loss as to how to fix this.

Finally, the last bit of code:

    //How can I have it so if you are running and then crouch, he will not slide? (same with shooting)
    if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
        walking = false;
  1. The crouch, when he crouches everything goes to plan, but If I am running before I hit the down key, he will go into a crouch position and just slide, I don’t know how to fix this either…

Well this was a lot, I’m sorry if it is too much, but I have been trying to troubleshoot the problems for about 2 weeks now to no avail. I hope some of you A.S. gods out there can figure this stuff out, and It will be much appreciated. :smiley: