Hi there…
Okay just quick shoot…here…ok just curiousity here…from my digging and reading I know that we can’t override constructor…but might possiblity can be achieve…so I really need some shed on light from expertise people or some ideas how to achieve it…here’s the my portions curiousity…
//let's say
class TestClass{
var __a:String;
var __b:Number
function TestClass(a:String){
__a = a;
function TestClass(b:Number){
__b = b;
//my curiosity is how to override constructor I mean give an options to me in order to to string params or numbers param2 either…
var test:TestClass = new TestClass("test");
var test:TestClass = new TestClass(2);
It is because my goal purposely wanna rectifying what of the datatype parameters being passing inside the class whether string or number…that’s all is it possible…???
Any help are really appreciated