P a r c!

I tried to think like you but couldn’t get my head that far up my ***

Thats pain.

<table style=“filter:flipv”></table>

…there, better. now it looks less painful, no?

now it looks… kinda… confusing!

LOL i thought this thread was going to be about fish.

ahaha! i didnt even see taht. hehe.

I picked it out casue it is normaly the kind of typo i would make.

well it originally said “C R A P” and some mod has been playing with it… :sigh:


Thread edited by eilsoe on 08-14-2003 05:32 AM. Thread (not) edited by thoriphes on 08-13-2003 04:05 PM.



ASP will rule forever…

you may be able to parse better in php but by golly I can open a recordset faster!

asp, to me, seems so sloppy and useless. i have to learn it anyway, its just that I am not enjoying it as much as I did learning PHP. :slight_smile:

asp.net is a different story…