Ok someone contacted me about web design and stuff, (my first) and I’m so happy… but he wants a press / media website with the use of php and mysql, and I dont know how the hell to do either! (well I know a bit of php) but I dont even know where to start…
but i’m pretty sure we can use a news updater script (like cute news) to do this, should I suggest this to him? or learn mysql? is mysql hard? let me know.
I wanna learn mysql too! I know some little php but I have no clue about mysql! If anyone has some good links for mysql tutes or sth then I’d really like to hear them!
red viper do you have any experience with asp or MS Access? cuz in all honesty php and mySQL is the same exact concept, only different scripting obviously. good luck!
php is actually pretty easy to get into the basics, and once you have the basics you can do quite a bit. When you start combining it with SQL it starts to get a bit sticky and right now I’m playing with combining PHP SQL and XML so I’m more confused than ever before…
its not that bad, its just while you are getting the hang of things the mysql statements can be a pain in the butt. But once you get it, you get it. Get it?