P.Shop Path Issues

EDIT:// Here’s what it turned out to be. Still some work to be done before it goes to the pub board here at work, but I’m happy with it. The kid, windshield-wipers, and other stuff had to go. LOL :slight_smile:

[COLOR=Silver]Sup All //

This is always been an ongoing struggle i’ve ALWAYS had to deal with. Sometimes the path would work the way I want it to, sometimes it would do what I’m about to explain.

When pathing something out using the path tool, I complete all my pathing before double-clicking the “workpath” to turn it into a “PATH”.

Well, sometimes additional paths that I have added onto the first path stay, sometimes they don’t, and this is really pissing me off. Than when you go to select the path, you can see where your outlines are, but than when you make a selection it only highlights the outer edge.

This is the image I am pathing, you can see the path(s) and how I’m trying to knock it out.

Same image against a solid color, just to show the path(s)

NOW … this is what royally pisses me off. When I make a selection from that path, this is what I get.

If this is an easy fix, and I hope it is, damnit I’ll feel stupid, but if anybody can help me correct this issue I’d grealty appreciate it.

I like pathing and knocking out stuff the FIRST time I do it. I hate having to go back and knock the stuff out for a second time.

And no, this image with the path you see won’t be pasted onto a background, there’s alot of work ahead of me on this particular cover.

