Page Tracking with Google Analytics in AS3?

Page Tracking with Google Analytics in AS3?


I have been asked to put some of the above into a flash site. I haven’t really come across this before and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it?

There are a couple of articles online - one on google’s own site - but I can’t find any AS3 examples - or much about it at all for that matter.

Here are the articles I’ve been pointed to in order to get it done.

and here’s how I’ve re-written the code for AS3 - the corresponding javascript code is in the html file.

var testLink1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/folder/file.html');");

testButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, trackLink1);

function trackLink1(event:MouseEvent):void

Has anyone had any experience with this before??

Thanks a lot for any help - it’s much appreciated!