Page transitions

ok i am very new here so this might be a dumb question. I am trying to make a flash website and I understand how to make links between pages but how do I make the transitions completly animated. like as if one page was morphing into the next after after clicking a button. I really appreciate any help. thanks in advance.

Try using the search option and search this section, there have been many threads on this subject. Just type in “transtions” and you’ll find them.

I looked but didnt find what i was looking for. I willl try again

I will be writing a tutorial soon about Dynamic Transitions… those need some actionscript skills but can be killer! :beam:

I’ll let you know when the tut’s online :slight_smile:

thanks ahmed, i appreciate it

i’d be interested to see that tutorial too ahmed.

i’ve succeeded in doing transitions but it’s a confusing thing to explain. i’m sure there are many ways to do it and i look forward to seeing yours

good luck