PALM Website

Hi guys, i got 2 months to do this but i dont know where to start or where to post it, so i post it here at server side, i think is the best one that describes my prob.

Well i need to know how to put a website in any PALM mobile system. dont know how to do it, where to start, what do ineed, dont know anything, just that i needs some xml stuff?.

Can anyone help me doing this?

I would appreciate it very much, thanks in advance!

Its kinda a hard one right?

Any hints…

i tried searching but failed :-\

me to i tried google but nothing… nada… 0…

:frowning: is it to hard? maybe its just a simple html file with the html very basic tags or something…

*Originally posted by thediablo *
**me to i tried google but nothing… nada… 0…

:frowning: is it to hard? maybe its just a simple html file with the html very basic tags or something… **

i would guess.
do you have a palm to try it out?

yeah, maybe i give it a shoot like that.

ne1 else knows anything?

i searched google, yahoo etc… and found nothing related to what im asking…

im starting to worry dont know where to start… :frowning: