Pano Shot

Like nekkid soul?

eilsoe - haha that’s great, I love it! :thumb:

xxviii - uhh, no :bad:

lostinbeta - yeah i know! get online more!..oh wait, that’s my
problem huh? I’ll look for you :wink:

hehe, perhaps it is both of our problems Unflux. I haven’t been able to get online as much lately, I SHOULD be on tonight though :slight_smile: (not 100% on what time though)

cool - i’ll be looking for you. :nerd:

The lighting looks amazing on this shot. That building in the middle looks crazy. :crazy:

that building in the middle gave me fits with the lighting actually!
I made a mistake and didn’t set the white balance on the camera
to a fixed degree, so from left to right of the building the lighting
is completely different on an auto setting. It turned out ok tho.

someone suggested to me that I crop parts of it out and make it
an abstract photo. I just may try that, since it seems to be the
most talked about part of the pano.