Papervision 2.0?

Over the weekend I played with AS3 for the first time, and I feel I may as well play with PV3D for the first time too :bandit:

I’ve heard Papervision 2.0 mentioned, though strangely, when I go to the actual papervision google code page, there is no papervision 2.0, only 1.5 :S

Where can one procure Papervision 2.0? And is advisable to try this as a Papervision noob? Or stick with 1.5 to start?


Version 2 is still at develorment

static public var VERSION:String = 'Public Alpha 2.0 - Great White';

No, definitely switch over to Papervision 2.0 Alpha (the Great White branch). Just sync up the SVN, you’ll find Great White under Branches\GreatWhite. Use that one. The Effects branch is fun too, but I haven’t found the processing power to add that sort of stuff on top of my 3D.

Ah I see I see, so it’s under great white.

Anogar - I assume you’ve played with 2.0 then? Is the performance better than 1.5? What are the advantages?

It’s pretty much a complete redesign, the syntax is better, the performance is better, it’s all better. I’ve been using it for a few months now, it’s quite stable, I haven’t had any issues.

Excellent, cheers.

Incidentally have you played with Sandy or Away3D? And if so, how have you found the performance compared to PV3D?

I believe Alternativa just went public recently too. Check out their demos if you haven’t seen them already.

Holy ****. Cheers sen, I’d actually never heard of it. I just downloaded and played with the bunker demo. The performance is superb, seems better than Papervision. It ran at a rock solid 60fps on my comp.

I’ve had great luck with PV3D so far, haven’t really used any other engines.

[quote=senocular;2335769]I believe Alternativa just went public recently too. Check out their demos if you haven’t seen them already.[/quote]

Their environment demos are great. I was also impressed with how fast they released a Flash 10 version when the beta came out.

Anogar or Felix - what do I want from that link to get started in PV? There are so many classes there, in those various folders, am I downloading absolutely everything?

You want everything in the “src” folder. Lee Brimelow has a good tutorial on getting started with GreatWhite over at


Thanks bud, I’ll check it out now and download all the classes :slight_smile:

How I wish they would just zip it into a package, it takes half a day just to create all the folders and individually download all the classes :wink:

[QUOTE=rumblesushi;2336314]How I wish they would just zip it into a package, it takes half a day just to create all the folders and individually download all the classes ;)[/QUOTE]

Hell yes… :S

you could use svn… here’s a great tutorial on how to get the Great White source
there’s a lot of Papervision tuts there too…

John, oh how I wish you had posted that this morning :smiley:

I created all the folders and downloaded all the classes manually. It was like an endurance test :smiley: Took ****ing ages :smiley:

heh, sory about that… i thought you were already discussing the svn of PV3D… then i read that post about creating the folders… i think you should still re-download through svn… it would also make updating the classes a breeze (it’s still in alpha, so it gets updated a lot) :wink:

[QUOTE=rumblesushi;2336701]John, oh how I wish you had posted that this morning :smiley:

I created all the folders and downloaded all the classes manually. It was like an endurance test :smiley: Took ****ing ages :D[/QUOTE]

Just found out… here’s the zipped version:

Nobody will suffer the endurance test anymore :slight_smile:

Doesn’t come with examples though, only classes.

BTW anyone knows of ANY documentation for PV3D2 ?


Hi guys…I’m giving Lee Brimelows “cube” paper vision tut a go…seems all pretty straight forward as always he is clear and step by step…however he brushes over the very start about how to ge the paper vision stuff into flash…I cant find my “snippets” window in flash!!!

I have followed the other threads on here and have all the classes in a folder called greatwhite…

Now what???

Slightly confused!!