So i have been trying to explore with papervision and i ran into either a math problem i can’t figure out (i really do need to bone up on math as a future goal) or something papervision rotation properties are doing that I am not prepared for either way I am trying to find someone to school me because i am apparently making no progress talking to myself.
So the project is just me simulating something like an atom where an orb spins around another orb, the problem i am having lies in a movieclip plane with a flat circle drawn in it, and i want to place that plane within the path the orb is spinning, thus making it look like a graphical orbit.
the code i am being tripped up at is commented out below
this._theta = limitToPI(this._theta+this._xVelocity);
this._phi = limitToPI(this._phi+this._zVelocity)
this._node.x = this._rho * Math.sin(this._phi) * Math.cos(this._theta);
this._node.y = this._rho * Math.sin(this._phi) * Math.sin(this._theta);
this._node.z = this._rho * Math.cos(this._phi);
this._orbit.rotationX = 90-(this._phi * 180/Math.PI);
//this._orbit.rotationY = (this._theta * 180/Math.PI);
//this._orbit.rotationZ = (this._theta * 180/Math.PI);
here is a jpeg of what i am trying to achieve roughly sketched out
and here is the swf you can see the above code running
and here is the source in fla and as files
here is what i am using to get me formulas: