Papervision3D Performance

Hi guys, ok first of all thanks for the help in an earlier post of mine with PV3D. I didn’t want to post a “thanks” in there as it’ll mess up all the forum “bumping” stuff and all that so I’ll just give my thanks here.

Anyways, I’ve just finished a little experiment that might appear in a new project I’m working on. It’s not only my first attempt at PV3D but also with AS3 and OOP. Anyways it’s basically there (although I’ll definately add to it later) but at this point I can see that every so often, the animation runs a little jerkily.

Now I understand that this PV3D stuff can be processor-intensive but this really isn’t a complex animation so I’m thinking that my code is maybe a little inefficient and I’d love it if somebody could have a look at my code.

The only thing I can think of is that I’m using the “Tweener” class to animate the camera. Might this is causing problems?

Anyways, I’ve attached a ZIP with a version with all the PV3D classes and Tweener included in the package so no need for you to have it in a certain directory.

Thanks very much guys. It’s just weird because I’ve seen much much more complex PV3D animations running more smoothly than this. It won’t stutter EVERY time but keep refreshing it and you see the odd stutter.

As far as my machine goes, it’s a MacbookPro so the Flash player won’t be as fast as any of you guys’s PCs but still, other people’s more complex PV3D projects are fast on my computer…

Thanks again. You can find the files here: