I’m using alducente’s web service in as3 release found here.
I’m having a hard time parsing the soap xml i get. I’ve googled until my nose bled and nothing still. Can anybody help me with this?
When i try getting the id elements in the xml, it doesn’t work. But i can get the whole xml document fine.
//Required imports
import alducente.services.WebService;
import flash.events.*;
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
//Instantiate the class
var ws:WebService = new WebService();
//Add a listener for when the web service methods become available
ws.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connected);
//Connect to the service by downloading the WSDL
//Once connected, call an available method on the service named "ResolveIP" with the appropriate parameters
function connected(evt:Event):void{
ws.GetAllActivities(done, "GetAllActivitiesRequest()");
//This function is called when there is a response from the sesrvice
function done(serviceResponse:XML):void{
trace("nWeb Service Result: ");
trace(serviceResponse.Id) // returns nothing