Parsing xml data form Flash

Hi guys!
I totaly understand how to parse xml in Flash but I’m a newbie in parsing xml data in PHP.
So basicly my situtation in very simple(from my point of view :slight_smile: ) I have passed succesfully XML from Flash to PHP (100% guarantee). And it lies in $raw_xml var.

And here’s what I’m need to do.
I should e-mail this data in easy readiable view. for examle easyiest table or something like that.

my XML structure:

<order client_address="My address here A street 13-8/2A" client_mail="" client_phone="9256878975" client_surname="My surname" client_name="My name">
	 <window window_color="dark_wood" window_quant="1" window_height="200" window_width="150" window_acc="zhaluzi, " />
	 <window window_color="white" window_quant="1" window_height="200" window_width="250" window_acc="" /></order>

So how can I reach my missle? And e-mail all this data in a good view? :smiley:
with all attributes and so on…
please, could anybody show me an example.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. That’s how I started…but there is nothing… :frowning:

$recip= "";
$raw_xml = file_get_contents("php://input");
mail($recip, "Contact form", $raw_xml, $headers);

This one just sends all the xml object directly to e-mail :frowning:
Please help me :smiley: