Hi everyone.
I looked through the posts and don’t think this has been covered yet.
I’m creating a smoke trail effect that moves from the left of the screen to the right using particles.
In order to know where to go, and to create a random effect each particle has its own ENTER_FRAME, and they are being created one-per-frame until they are removed at the other end. (this is all done in an external file).
By the time they begin being removed there are hundreds and the app slows down. My guess is that this is due to hundreds of ENTER_FRAMES running simultaneously.
I was wondering if there is any way to use a central ENTER_FRAME in the main file that simply ‘fires’ a function in all of the existing particles (to make them listen for a command rather than having separate ENTER_FRAME). This would reduce system load and keep individual movement.
Thanks in advance!