[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I hope someone can help me with my dilemma. I have built a video player in ActionScript 3.0 which consists of a FLA file which has the video player on it and a separate AS file that contains all my ActionScript 3.0 code for the video player. I have moves (FLV & MP4 files) stored on my Flash Media Server 3.0 server. If I hard code the name of the movie in the AS file and publish the FLA file, it creates an SWF file that will actually play the movie on the FMS3 server. That lets me know the video player works.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]What I really want to do is use a html query string to pass the variable (Example [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff]www.website.com?sample[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri], “sample” is a FLV movie file on my FMS3 server) to my video player file. I know I will have to publish a SWF and a HTML file and I know I will have to edit the HTML file to pass the variable using flashvars. I might also have to use/edit the JavaScript in my HTML file. I just can’t get the variable into my ActionScript code to play the movie. It seems very simple but it is killing me. My code is not in the FLA file but in the AS file. Most of the flashvars web links I have gone to talk about updating the actionscript code in the Actions Layer on the main timeline of the FLA file. This is very frustrating because all the flashvars web sites seem to talk about how easy it to pass a query string using flashvars. (yea but not for me) [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m really stuck here and I do believe in the power of asking, so here goes! Can you send me a small but complete sample code on how to pass a query string variable using flashvars into a video player? The sample code consists of a FLV, a AS file and a HTML file(I’m assuming this would be the JavaScript code and the ActionScript code in the HTML file). or I can send you my FLV and AS file and you can edit it for me and show me what I’m doing wrong.:puzzle::puzzle::puzzle::puzzle:[/FONT][/SIZE]