okay, I tried to make that work, and got nowhere. Let’s try this attack:
Here is the code I would use, if i weren’t trying to pick up a variable:
on (release) {
loadMovie("…/dodge/aarp1.jpg", _root._level40.panel1);
panel1 being the target. I have it so a button on level 15 is setting the variable named panel to “panel1.” I have a text field letting me know the variable is set.
how would I alter the above code to include the variable <i>panel</i> ?
And as stated before, perhaps calling a variable as a number is the problem so you might want to try adding a letter or something and changing the clip name like this…
Also… I believe Flash can only load .jpg not .jpeg. I forget where I read it, but I remember reading that .jpeg files won’t load in Flash. That “e” makes all the difference.
Or maybe I am hallucinating :-\
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