Passing flashvars to swf-in-swf -- IE restriction

I am loading a child swf inside a parent swf, and need to pass variables from the parent into the child. I don’t have control over the source code of the child, so I can’t have the child pull data from the parent; the data needs to be passed to the child swf in a standard fashion, so that the child works just as if it were embedded in a page using flashvars.

I’ve tried passing variables to the child as parameters on the URL:

var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“”);

This seems to work ok, but apparently Internet Explorer doesn’t allow URLs longer than 2083 characters ( I need to pass a fairly long string of parameters to the child which will likely exceed 2083 characters. So I’m trying to avoid passing the parameters directly on the URL, and wondering if there is any other way to populate the child swf with the variables that it will expect. Is there any other way of passing flashvars to a swf-in-swf?

I’ve also tried passing the variables using URLVariables, but that has the same effect – the variables are simply appended to the URL, so if the variables are long enough, the URL will exceed 2083 characters.
