Passing on a client, Bible website

What is it ?

When I was working last year I met someone from a seventh day adventist church. They want to set up the bible online. I know this isnt anything new ( and more) but their idea is to have every phrase in the bible like to all other relevant phrases. Like a sort of concordance.

Why dont I want it?

Basicly I dont have the time to commit to such a lengthy project.


So a church? not high finances. Right! I dont realy know what kind of scale this is going to be but they are willing to try to raise some finance

Basicly im just trying to put out a few feelers to see if any one is willing to work on this. The client is based in Peterborugh and would like to deal with someone localy.

If you have any interest please email me uk richard at koorb dot co dot

‘So a church? not high finances’

Your jokin man, God is loaded, he invented the $.

im with jay…id be willing to work on it, but i gotta see some #s first.

Thanks for your comments, but this is the situation! They are prepared to fund the project but I cant see it being on a masive scale.
You realy need to be local (Peterborough,East Mids UK) or have a representative near, who can meet with them. If you are interested, can you email me a link or two or give me some idea of your skills etc. If you want, also a ball park quote and contact details.

Thanks everyone

*Originally posted by jaybirch *
**‘So a church? not high finances’

Your jokin man, God is loaded, he invented the $. **

My church always asks me to design for free. :-/

*Originally posted by Supree *
**My church always asks me to design for free. :-/ **

sometimes i waish mine would!!! There not very good at using available skills in my church, their site is awfull, im trying to find a tacktfull way to ask if i can work on it :smiley: (fyi not the same church as this thread is about!)

just go up to the priest/rabbi/other guy (depending on religion) and say “your site sux,” let me design you a new one for free. i bet they’ll bite :slight_smile:

i think you could be on to something there, worth a shot anyway (pastor, btw) :wink: