Passing Variables from loaded SWFs

Hi all! This is my first post as I’m just getting my feet wet in AS2. Kirupa seems like friendly community and I’m hoping I can help others as my skills grow.

Right now, I’m working in a modular app and I’m having trouble passing variables between a Parent and it’s loaded Child SWF file. The Child SWF has a single object called hotSpot_mc. The Parent has a frame called frame_mc to load the Child. I’m trying to pass the value of bHotSpot, which is turned on and off when the user mouses over the MovieClip. Testing shows that the value is being set in the Child but not in the Parent, where it remains undefined. Should I be using shared objects or do I just have to use better targeting?

Here is the **parent SWF


// Load the child SWF into frame_mc
function loadBackground(backgroundName:String):Void {
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    mcLoader.loadClip(backgroundName, frame_mc);
// Run an SetInterval test ten times to show that bHotSpot is not being passed 
function testHotSpot():Void {
    trace("bHotSpot = "+bHotSpot);
    if (bHotSpot == true) {
        Frame_mc._width = 300;
    //clears nInterval after 10 iterations 
    if (i>=10) {
var i:Number = 0;
var nInterval:Number = setInterval(testHotSpot, 2000);

Here is the CHILD SWF

// bHotSpot is the value I am triggering with 
// onRollOver(true) / onRollOver (false)
var bHotSpot:Boolean = new Boolean;
// This is the JPG used for the background
// backgroundFrame_mc.LoadRoom("Room_1.jpg");
// Setup Hotspot
hotSpot_mc.onRollOver = function() {
    bHotSpot = true;
hotSpot_mc.onRollOut = function() {
    bHotSpot = false;

Thanks for the help in advance.