Passing variables - Movie clip & Accordion component

I am new to actionscript and flash developing.
I am trying to build a Calculator used in health circles to project next year’s profit and loss etc. I am using flash cs3 and actionscript2.

My flash project is based on accordion component with 6 child panes, each pane having a movie clip with input text, dynamic text etc.
I have a couple of push buttons that has click eventhandlers taking care of calculations . All the calculative functions are in the actions layer frame 1.
I need help in displaying the same calculated fields as dynamic text in a new movie clip in another layer before printing the same movie clip.
The present situation is like this, I am able to calculate all the fields, but when i click a button to show a new movie clip with all the calculated fields, all the variables are displayed as “undefined”.
the dynamic variables in the new movieclip is referenced correctly i guess, i use pp_acvcfy = myacc.overheads.acv_cfy; where myacc is the accordion component, overhead the child pane and acv_cfy the dynamic text inside the pane ‘overhead’. pp_acvcfy is the dynamic text in the new movie clip. Please help :puzzled: