Passing variables problem

Hi all,
I try to make a simple login. I use the code

function sendVars_login(event:MouseEvent):void
    var scriptRequest_login:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://******.aspx");
    var scriptLoader_login:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var scriptVars_login:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    scriptLoader_login.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadSuccessful_login);
    scriptLoader_login.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoadError_login);
    scriptLoader_login.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
    var email:String = email_txt.text;

    var pass:String = pass_txt.text;
    scriptVars_login.u_pass = pass  
    scriptVars_login.u_email =email
    scriptRequest_login.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = scriptVars_login;

when i send the vars i get back that user doesn’t exists although i have checked that it exists.
A funny thing is that when i change the following

scriptVars_login.u_pass = "somePass"
scriptVars_login.u_email ="someEmail"

I get correct results. So the .aspx script works and the way i’m sending the variable works.

when i trace
i get a url encoded string, so i tried to unescape the value

var unescapedString = unescape(String(scriptVars_login)); = unescapedString;

now when i trace( i get an unescaped value but it still doesn’t work

Any suggestions would be very helpfull.
Thanx in advance