Passing variables through multiple movieclips

Basically I just wondered if there was any way to condense this so I don’t have to keep repeating the code over and over for all of the movieclips:

[AS]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var colorChanger:Color = new Color(this._parent.leaf8);
var origTransform:Object = colorChanger.getTransform();
var newtintTransform:Object = {rb:10, bb:0, gb:-15};
var colorChanger2:Color = new Color(this._parent.leaf9);
var origTransform2:Object = colorChanger2.getTransform();
var newtintTransform2:Object = {rb:10, bb:0, gb:-15};

And so on…there are going to be about 9 clips I want this color changer to apply to, but I’m not sure how to make this code cleaner, since I’m a total newb! Any help would be appreciated. :smiley: