Passing Variables To A Loadmovie SWF

I am having difficulties passing variables between SWF files that I am loading with LoadMovie(). I have searched around the forums here but haven’t found anything that seems to work. Here is what I am doing…

MovieA has a menu system for the user to interact with. I am using loadMovie() to load a SWF file that relates to the choice the user has made (ie. MovieB, MovieC or MovieD).

on(release) {

The movie loads fine, but I cannot use


to remove MovieC and return to MovieA (which was originally loaded). Should I be using another loadmovie call instead (the flash documentation seems to indication that I should use unloadMovie, but I have a feeling that they are wrong in this instance).

Now the second problem I am running into is getting the variables that are held in MovieA to pass the data to the loaded movie.

I have seen suggestions that people have made to use : myNewArray=_root.myOldArray.slice() but I have not been able to get this to work when I use it in MovieB thru D. It is almost like Flash removes the first movie from memory and then displays the new one that I have loaded before the variables can be passed.

I thought of perhaps sending this data to a location somewhere (such as a txt file for the time being), but Flash’s documentation on using ‘send’ is piss poor (much like the rest of their documentation).

Are there any thoughts or suggestions on how I can get the SWF files to play nicely with one another so that they pass the variables in/out correctly.