how can i pass the var to flash where i can send from post…
for example:
the only way i can pass it so far is hardcoding it into my html page like this…
/\embed src=“main.swf?link=exhibits” width=“780” height=“480” quality=“high” pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=“transparent”/\
where i do it in the embed src="main.swf?link=exhibits tag…
how can i pass with a link instead of hard coding… see the thing is that i have one movie that loads all other swf.s so i want it to load the specific one that was set by the variable instead of hardionign different pages for different scenarios.
i read you can do it with javascript… i saw a tutiorial thast lets you send variables from a text field in html with a function, but i couldnt get it to get the variablkes from the address header bar… please help