Passing variables to flash (from php) and readin text file


So i have an issue im not sure how to approach and im hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Im trying to build a simple support system style chat for a website. What i was thinking of doing (to try to keep it simple in flash) is to have all the work done on the php side and then just use flash to display the actual data. So i have a movie set up with an input text box and a dynamic text box… and i want to load an external text file (that i build with php) into flash, however because this is a support system i need the filenames of the text files to be unique (for each different chat session), so when loading the .swf on the website i need to pass a variable right away for the name of the text file and then call it from flash. I am not sure how to do this, if anyone can help, i hope my explanation is clear enough.

Thanks in advance.