Hi there
I think this should not be a big deal, but I do not get it to work…
I got a “MainFlash” witch loades an XML with about 60 variables (Settings), in base of a paramater then this “MainFlash” loades another “FlashMovie” and this one needs, all, the same Variables too.
How do I properly pass all the Vars in the new/other “FlashMovie”?
U need to know
> I use LoadMovieNum to Level 0
> I do replace the “MainFlash”, cause the new loaded “FlashMovie” can have a completly different height and width ( …I don’t think it’s possible to change the Document-Setting in a compiled swf, or is it? If this is possible I would not need to load a separate swf to Level 0…)
> the main SWF usually ist about 320x180, the following can be 2x, 3x bigger…
Can someone give me an helping hand with this?
Or has anybody an other idea?
I’m doing this with MX2004, but then want to use it in FLASH8 too
Regards from Switzerland
Thanx BoF