I there. I seem to be having some problems passing variable from Flash to HTML.
In my movie I simply havea variable text box named ‘value’ and a button. The user types in some text and then when pressing the button it passes that variable to a new HTML page. The problem I’m having is the PHP part.
Thanks for the reply. I tried the $_GET[‘value’]; and am still having the same issue.
The reason why I’m using php4 is because I have a program (Microsoft Picture IT) that uses the same extension. Whenever I try to edit my php files it alway opens it with Picture IT.
only the fact that PHP might not recognize them as PHP files. And in that case they won’t get parsed as PHP files, unless you change the default extentions in the apache confd.http file…
shouldn’t you be using something like this to send a value to a php page from flash?
[AS]MYbutton.onRelease = function() { //This is your submit button, change instance name to match.
buttonVars = new LoadVars();
buttonVars.value = your_var_to_be_sent; //use a textbox instance name, or a variable here.
buttonVars.send(“http://yoursite.com/value.php”, “_blank”, “POST”);