Passing Vars in Forms - PLEASE HELP!

I’m trying to create a php form and I’m having trouble passing some variables (or even just establishing the variable). Below is a sample of the code. ‘name’, ‘email’ and ‘quantity’ are all input/text fields in the form. They all work fine. ‘paperstock’ is the name of a list/menu. The menu works fine - meaning it appears and lets me choose an option - but when I submit the form (which also works) the email I get says ‘undefined’ for that submission.

So the email looks like this:
Name: Joe
Quantity: 100
Paperstock: undefined

	var name = $('input[name=name]');
	var email = $('input[name=email]');
	var quantity = $('input[name=quantity]');
	var paperstock = $('input[name=paperstock]');

Should the word ‘input’ be something else like list or something? I just cannot figure this out.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
If it’s something that takes time I am willing to pay you hourly via pay-pal.

Thank you all in advance.