Password AS problem

Hi guys

Could you please look at the AS for this password box as it does not work. The reason it does not work is that i need some one to alter the AS because it used to have a username text box in it aswell as the password box for it to work. But i only want the password box.

Could someone be kind enough to alter the AS so that it will work with just the password box. Imnot very good when it comes to AS.

Thanks Guys:bu:

Hey guys

Is this a hard thread for some one to HELP me with!!!

Hey Robbie, there’s a tute concerning passwords here at Kirupa. Did you check it?

Hi Ilyas i checked the tuts out but what i have is really what i want its just that i removed the username box and now i need to alter the AS so that it will work just with a Password box.

I don’t have flash on this comp so I was unable to view the fla and hence, dont know the code. Forgive me if I am being redundant.

if(_root.pwd.text!="desired password"){
      dialogbox.text="Wrong Password.  Try Again."
      pwd.text = ""

Where pwd is an instance name of an input textbox with Password as the property (instead of Single Line or Multi).

Put a Stage.showMenu = 0 so the user cannot play past the password screen.

Hi steveo when u get a chance have a look at the fla and u will understand a bit more where im lost. Im no good with AS so what you have written its hard for me to insert and get it to work.


P.S how does the stage.showmenu = 0 so that the user cannot play WORK? also where would i insert that AS.


try this on your button:
[AS]on (press) {
if (password == “password”) {
} else {
password ="";
