Pause/Resume slideshow using setInterval/clearInterval?


I promise I did a big search on this topic, and I have a few books on hand, but this seems to be beyond what I know, which isn’t all that much! ;(

I’m trying to get my slideshow to “pause” and “resume” on mouse actions–rollOver to pause, rollOut to resume, click to go to another URL or another frame (not yet decided which, but I want to display the contact info when one clicks an image). I also have it set to show the “captions/descriptions” of each image on rollOver.

Each image is placed in its own frame, with this AS to give each image 2 seconds to show, with description on rollOver. This works so far:
var interval:Number = setInterval(function () {
}, 2000);

I have all the images as buttons, and the descriptions are hidden unless the images are rolled over.

What I want to do is to pause the slideshow as long as the mouse is over the image (i.e, the user can view the image longer than the interval is set), and resume where it left off (I suppose going to the next image is just fine).

Initially, I very much wanted to have a “controller” of sorts to show up upon rollOver (but hidden otherwise), with which the user can skip forward or back instead of waiting for the entire show to run its course. Since I can’t even figure out the pause/resume issue, I figured I’d keep it simple. However, I’d appreciate any input regarding making this happen, as well. :slight_smile:

I’m attaching my test Fla here. It’s entirely possible that I’m pursuing this using a wrong method, but setInterval is the only way I knew how to not resort to designating tons of frames per image.

Thank you in advance for any help–I appreciate your time!