Pdf insertion problem

guys, I am still having a problem getting a button to launch a PDF when clicked on.

in my flash file I have a button (english) the file I want to lauch when the button is released is on my desktop named englishfinal.pdf

The action I have assigned to the button is:

on (release) {
getURL (“desktop/englishfinal.pdf”);


All I get is a syntax error? I cannot figure this out. Can someone please lead me in the right direction…


your path is wrong.

either move the file, or use the full path (c:\documentsandsettings\users\desktop\filename.pdf kindof thing).

I’m sure that is your problem…


ok, I made a folder and put the exe file and the pdf. When I run the exe and select the english button it opens the navigator window folder with the two files in it. So it’s getting me to the folder but not opening the pdf. I have to then double click the pdf to get it to open. Do you know how to bypass that…

I’m not sure.

do you have a target window specified (_blank) in the GetURL?

other than that, I will need an example .fla to help more…
