i was going to buy the weekend a new pc, i was looking forward
for a pentium IV 2.4Ghz (80gig, 256ram, GeFORCE, etc…) and the
guy at the store told me that an Athlon 1.5ghz is more good than
a pentium IV, and i ask him, them why is way more cheaper to buy an athlon proc. than a PIV?, but i dont remember what he said, but he strongly recommend me that i go for an athlon proc.
either than a pentium IV
What can you guys tell me?
a Pentium, or an Athlon?
Athlons are cheaper and just as good if not better. The reason that Pentium is so cheap is because it is a Pentium. Everyone knows about Intel and they are the most widely used so they raise their prices and they get away with it. I only go with Athlon…
heres a list of prices of different processors. These are wholesale prices so if you get yoru computer from a dealer then it will probably cost more, but just to give you a rough idea.
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Athlons are cheaper and just as good if not better. The reason that Pentium is so cheap is because it is a Pentium. Everyone knows about Intel and they are the most widely used so they raise their prices and they get away with it. I only go with Athlon… **
I think what ment to say is “the reason pentium is so EXPENSIVE! is because it is a pentium”
But either way, I agree totally with Jubba. I would never go back to an intel unless they get it working better. In every bench mark test I have seen the Athelon kicks it’s butt - especially on the graphics side of things. Just do a search in google on benchmark tests and you will see the differences!
Pentium is more expensive due to it´s liabilty and recongnization, and Athlon is cheaper because it´s the counter part, the better option if you can´t get a Pentium.
The difference is not that much, but exists. Pentiusm is faster and less buggy, but Athlon is very good too.
If money is your problem (like mine) buy an Athlon (like me), if not go for a Pentium, Asus (mother board and video card), seagate or quantum (HD), Diamond (Sound card), Samnsung (monitor and memory), Plextor (cd writer), 3com (net card) and Micro$oft (optical mouse and keyboard). That is my dream set:)
*Originally posted by Guig0 * … Asus (mother board and video card), seagate or quantum (HD), Diamond (Sound card), Samnsung (monitor and memory), Plextor (cd writer), 3com (net card) and Micro$oft (optical mouse and keyboard). That is my dream set:)
Athlon > Pentium. I just say that because everyone Ive asked that, have said the same exact thing. So, out of 20 people, they all say Athlon, so something must be proven
For cost/performance, Athlons are very good (which would be the best choice for you). If you are looking for raw power, the Pentium IVs with increased on-board cache and faster bus speeds (anything from the last six months) really rock the athlons. The older P4s did not fare so well with the Athlons; the newer ones do
*Originally posted by almighty unibrowser god kirupa * For cost/performance, Athlons are very good (which would be the best choice for you). If you are looking for raw power, the Pentium IVs with increased on-board cache and faster bus speeds (anything from the last six months) really rock the athlons. The older P4s did not fare so well with the Athlons; the newer ones do
I hear your divine voice, it´s like music to my ears.
Ispite the temptations and the clamor of the unfaithfull masses, I never lose my faith, never change my course in the enlighted path.
I always believe this to be true, and now the forum god show me the sign! Thou shal not say that Athlon is better than Pentium