Photo Gallery Help

I would like to modify the Photo Gallery in the tutorial section so the images will scroll through themselves without the need for the forward and back buttons. Like an automatic slideshow. Is there an easy way to do this someone can help me with? Thanks.


yea, just make your images into a movie clip, and have them scrolling acros the screen, but to make it flow smoothly end the movie clip when the last image has entered the stage, becuase when published it will loop it and this will create the effect of never endingness.

Hope this helps

Thanks Mad Flasher for the suggestion. I was actually wondering if there was a line or two of code that I could just add to the current action script that would just change these images automatically at a specified time interval. But I do understand what you are saying. Thanks again.


Have a look for setInterval() :wink:


Thanks scotty, but I didn’t see setInterval() in the code anywhere.


Lol, no you have to put it:lol:
Try this at the bottom of the code

setInterval(this,"changePhoto", 5000, 1)

the 5000 is the interval-time in msecs;)


Ah…I see. I’m a dumb arse.L Thanks for the help. I’ll give it a try.


No, if you were, you wouldn’t ask;)



Works awesome!!! Thanks again.

