Very simple solution here. Now, for some reason editing the registration point does not work for me, but people say it works… :-\
Well so we will do this my way. Just click on your black square movie clip (where your pics load) and draw it up and to the left some so it is offset to its original location. Now test your movie, you will see that the place the images load in is moved!
The images are larger than your stage. Go to Modify/Document and change the size so your images fit, you can also make it big enough so that there is a little extra room for your buttons.
The pics wont load right into your movie clip, your movie clip is just there to attach the pic to with loadMovie. You could have an empty movie clip there if you wanted instead of a square.
basically my photos arnt appearing…every thing is loading cept the photos…i threough in one of the tuturial pics and that one loads off from where it shoudl…kinda weird…i thought the photos would load where the movie clip photo is. nways. its here.
click design1 and then the first button in the upper left …
should load up the photogallery movie…
let me know what ya think…why are the pics not laoding…
and what i had to do makes no sense…i had to open the jpg in paintbrush save it there…now it laods up in the movie…
then it was loading it way off to the right even the my phot movie was in a different position…my only guess is that this movie is made for a certain resolution or something…cause mines loading in on 800-600…but i move the photo move way outa the way and when i publish…it loads good…its nice to have a brain.