i am trying to use the gallery with Thumnails that i found in the tutorial part of the site.
I made the thumbnails vertical instead of horizontal.
But i dont think the problem comes from that.
here is the thing:
when loading the thumbnails, if the thumbnails if the thumbnails picture are in diferrent size it messes it al up.
actually it places the movie according its own size assuming that all the previous movies in the loop where the same size. but they aren’t
I been trying to make it work for so long but i can t find a way to go around it
i hope someone will be able to help me
here is the link to the demo http://phoenix68.9online.fr/daeja2.swf
as you can see the two last thumbnails assume than the 8 before them where the same size as they are …
I’ve done the same tutorial and already modified some things, the scroller is now vertical and some other stuff…
But i also have the problem that the thumbs are not positioned correctly when i use different imagesizes.
I have tried the 2 daeja-files but it isn’t working, even if i change the mentioned line 110, the thumbs are still messed up…(all load on the same position)
another problem is the scroller. If you move the mousecursor over the “scroll-area” but haven’t moved the cursor over a thumbnail the scroller wont work
when i paste the code in daeja2.fla the thumbs are still on the same place.
but i’m currently trying something different:
function thumbnails_fn(k) {
thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t"+k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
tlistener = new Object();
tlistener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc) {
var help = ("thumbnail_mc.t"+k);
var help2:Number = ;
target_mc._y = hit_left._y+(75+10)*k;
target_mc.pictureValue = k;
i want to get the height of the movieclip carrying the thumb.
with the var ‘help’ i’m getting the current mc,
with the var ‘help2’ i want to get the height of that clip, but i’m not sure how to do it… what do i have to write there?
when i got it i just exchange “75” (in “target_mc._y = hit_left._y+(75+10)*k;”)and “help2”.
good idea???
i need to get the height of the previous thumb so i would rather try
var help = (“thumbnail_mc.t”+(k-1));