Photo gallery XML thumbd in a grid HELP PLEASE


I have searched this site for a few days to find what i want butt can’t find it.

I’m trying to make a gallery with thumbnails in a grid, 3 collums and 3 rows, that are 9 thumbs, butt when there are more like 19 thumbs i want to have a button “next” on the first page to see the other 9 en a button “previous” to go back. Then when you click next there’s in this case 1 thumb left so you will get only 1 thumb and a button “previous”.

I tried a lot but i can’t figure it out.

I used some things i found here, so i hope someone could help me with this.

Thanks already


I’m working on a solution to this same problem. When I use Sleepyball’s above code my thumbnails are in columns but they are staggered. So I’ll have two thumbnails, then they drop down a row and shift over the length of two thumbnails to display the next thumbnails. I don’t know if that makes any sense but my problem is that the thumbnails are not flush columns standing right next to each other, they end up staggered.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Nevermind, just had one too many target_mc. _x