Photo Retouching

Hey guys. I just scanned a picture of myself that I am going to make a splash page with. However, the pic doesn’t look that good and I was wondering if any of you guys might have some tips on how I can improve the look and style of it. I can’t explain exactly what I want it to look like, but just a helluva lot better than it does now. Lemme know what you guys think I can do with it. Or if you want to experiment yourself on it I have the zip link at the bottom that contains the psd. (The jpg made it look even worse and darker than the original image)

Also, if you guys know of any good photo retouching tutorials I would love to see it. (I think Kit did something with retouching, but I’m not sure…)

Here’s the pic:

The Zip file:

BTW: I will be cutting myself out of the pic so don’t worry about the background.


Hm, what I really like to do with pictures is to ******* the picture, I don’t know the word in englisch. But you can get that effect by pressing Strg+I .
And mess around with laying layer with gradients over the pic.
Good Look and show us how it looks…

omg lol. that was funny. with the censorship on the non-english word.

if you explain it perhaps he’ll get the idea.

To touch up my photos I usually screw around with brightness/contrast.

Often when my face is too red (I guess I blush a lot or something, I dunno, maybe it’s my asthma?) I can change some things like those and it goes away with slim-to-nil negative effect on the rest of the image.

Whoa man I seriously thought you were like 40 lol.

Is c!rYx talking about inverting?

It think though, he is always talking really wierd stuff…


Inverting is where the colors all get switched. White turns to black, and black turns to white etc…

Who did you think was 40? Me?

-brad-:evil: try that site, there is a huge 7 part tutorial that focuses on retouching…there are many retouching sites, just search on google or go through the tutorial sites in our stickey at top of D&D

Thanks Mak I’ll take a look!
