It’s time for y’all to fell the wrath and skills of the african adornis. I would like to join the battle if you let me:pirate:
Forgive me I’m new at this, most likely I’m doing it all wrong. Need assistance, anybody? hallo?
If you’re after the PS collaboration battle, that only has a week to go and I <i>think</i> everyone has a partner already.
Once that’s over though, I’m sure that some of the artistic geniuses on the forum would be happy to arrange a new PS battle.
Kitiara, did you just call this adorable freak (thats me by the way) an idiot? Telling me to read the rules, please, rules are for fools
I’m sorry?
Now I’m confused.
Where did I call you an idiot?
If you’re referring to the text underneath my footer, that appears all the time, in a vain attempt to stop muppets from faffing around with the Site of the Week (SotW) forum…
Guess I should be the one sorry for, well, … I’m not good at this, by the way was up with your site, some pages are not being accessed
Isn’t it working? I’ve just opened it and done a few click throughs, seems to be OK… Could be the server having a funny five minutes I suppose.
OK i found it… working fine ur site
Cool. It’s a temperamental server sometimes…
Hehehe I like confused newbies
Don’t we all? When that PS battle gets underway (if more like) please send me an email at thanks