Photoshop dpi question

Is there a way to up the dpi on an image (psd) once it is created? I have an image that I created at 96 dpi…I want to bump it up to 300 dpi without having to recreate it.

If you make it higher now, it’ll change the image so anything more you do will be that high, but it won’t make the current image better :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

**** that sux…thanks man

hold on…you think if I create a new image at the dpi I need…then go to 96 dpi image and select all the layer I need copy them and paste it into the 300 dpi canvas , youthink that will work??

I had a similar problem, I drew a image at 72 dpi for display on screen. But I kinda liked it so since I worked in a photolab I wanted to try and print it out on the processor. The machines we use is capable of taking a .jpeg .gif .bmp and printing it through the chemicals and processor just like a regular photograph (on photographic paper, expose to light etc…)

So I took this 72 dpi image I made a bunch of diferent file types of it, I boosted it up to 300 and 600 dpi. Then at work (since the digital 8x10 prints are $12) I printed every single image I had to see how the quality would be. Needless to say they all looked like crap. So I thought I would try to print it smaller as a 4x6 and still eventhough it was a min 300 dpi image the quality just wasn’t there because it was originally created at a lower resolution.

I know this is a little of topic but if you intend to only use images for viewing on the screen creating them in 72 dpi is fine, but it is best to go to a lower resolution and avoid going higher cause the quality sure sucks…well at least in this case…

thanks for the advice…these are going on tshirts so I need those dpi’s. I usually go 96 just to be somewhere in between but this is a rare case where I need 300dpi

Luckily, your t-shirt design is relatively straight forward, and it should be easy to recreate.

Also, you may want to think about doing stuff like this in Illustrator. WIth the new EFFECTS available, which work with the resizing of images, something like this could easily be done, and then pasted into a 300dpi Photoshop document with no loss at all.


Yeah, i know what it’s like, i still can’t print a good cover page… I don’t even know where to begin… dimensions… dpi… font tools… what’s best to print on… :hair: Where to begin :smirk:

i think there is an easier way to create this effect but I have gotten into the alpha channels groove now I cannot get out. I am ordering ill10 today I used to use ill 9 but I got a good price from adobe so Im gonna get it.

Hey blue have you tried freeand mx? pretty good also. Also I found a cool way to expand your cool concrete texture u see it?

Hey cyber
Print graphics is a whole new descipline and you are right it is indepth…I had to actually take a class…But I usually change my measurements to inches when in PS and operate at 96 - 200 dpi.

what i do with my images is, i take a 72dpi image, and change the dpi to 300 under Image-image size… then i resize to 20% percent. ( 300dpi / 5 = 72dpi )

You won’t get any more quality than you started with, but you can export an image with the 300dpi setting…

Ok, thanks 3d, i’ll try going with that measurement tip, i never thought of that before (do not know anything about printing). So if i want to print on legal paper, I’ll put the DPI to about 300, and I will make the dimensions 8 X 10, There’s a real good thread about this called Photoshop And Printing, there are some real good tips in there, that’s where i am getting my info from now, I’ll start using the inches method, and i will use the ruler too. The blue look is nice.

  • Soul :s:

thanks…yeah I actually learned somethin from that thread thanks.

I was referring to you and soul’s banner :thumb: sorry for the confusion (the signature)