Photoshop Duel/Tennis

Hello all now that Ilyas have mentioned about a AS tennis, I figured that maybe we should have a duel/Tennis using photoshop. Someone will start to make a design using photoshop. He will then post it. Another person will copy it and edit/ enhance it. The first who posted it will edit/enhace the enhanced or edited design by the second person. Basically this is a battle between two people. After a certain period they go on editing what was recently posted. After the deadline people can vote who the is the best editor or enhancer! Any takers? :beam:

for a sample of this idea visit:

we already got one of these going :confused:

what thread

It’s more like a photoshop collaboration battle. Teams of two compete by taking an image(s) and making the best piece they can out of it. It’s posted under the “random” section for publicity. It will start soon. You need a partner though.

thanks man!