Hi - I’m sorry to be posting what is probably a very basic question. I am not a developer but need a script, and I haven’t been able to modify other scripts properly to do what I want.
My goal is this - to export, from a multilayer PSD file, a series of JPGs, layer by layer. Here’s the catch: each JPG must add the next layer to the last export. So export.0 would be layer 0, export.1 would be layer 0 + layer 1, and so on.
I think this is what I need to do:
- Check that a document is active
- Hide all layers
loop, starting at x=0:
3. Show layer x
4. Save as JPG (w/ appropriate naming)
5. x = x+1
until top of file is reached.
I don’t know how to write it from scratch and am stymied trying to learn JavaScript programming from scratch. I’d be happy to pay appropriately for this script.