Photoshop palm pilot

I didn’t put a lot of work into this one, so bear with it :slight_smile:

just something I felt like doing, but kinda lost interest in halfway in… so I just finished it off quickly (tho it still needs a lot of work…)

not like the cigarette one I did (for those who haven’t seen it: )

Show off. :slight_smile:

Even though you say it’s only a half job, it’s still fantastic. :slight_smile: You’re gonna have to show me how to do this kind of thing one day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great stuff :thumb:


Maybe I should write tut’s on these things…

Please. :beam:

hehe… :slight_smile:

I just need a good design for my site… I keep changing it :sure:

I want something ala

Wow ! :thumb: And you call that unfinished !? Did you make it in PhotoShop ? Cuz I recognize some bevels :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes photoshop. Good stuff! I dunno how the hell you do it…

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**I want something ala **

Sexy as hell site!!! :love:

  • Soul :s:

yeah but he’s also an arrogant little 15-year old :slight_smile:

thats really good elisoe, and a tut would kick ***. and systemdark is a great site.

i nrly 15 and i am nowhere near ur standards gotta work harder !

Nice work Eilsoe, real clean. =)


That looks really good!

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**yeah but he’s also an arrogant little 15-year old :slight_smile: **

O_________________O I’m arrogant?

*Originally posted by VisualAid *
**i nrly 15 and i am nowhere near ur standards gotta work harder ! **

Please spell out the words…

no extra points for quick typing here… no character limits, etc…

that way everyone can read your posts without having to decode them first.


you always impress me with you photoshop skills. One of these days I may have to install that prog…



*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**yeah but he’s also an arrogant little 15-year old :slight_smile: **

that was rude!

unless you know him, and this was just a jab… then I will slink back into my cave…


I sincerely apologise… I was just reading the ‘F.A.C.K.’ it made me laugh :slight_smile:

Okay XD I went as far as my abilities can take me to NOT sound arrogant. >.<