Photoshop tennis(reflux kinda)

A while ago I asked if anybody wanted to do the whole Photoshop Pong/Tennis/Volley thing. Ya know, the Betaflux type thing… If anyone is interested in doing one let me know. I really want to brush up on my photoshop skills and I need a good time waster.

So here I am, begging, pleading… someone, please, play with me.

me i will do it with ya man :slight_smile: what image ?

hmm… any image… if you dont mind, could you supply the image? Im crunched on time lately

yeh no probs man what sort of image you want it to be?

anything… well like some nature thing or something architectual… ya know… whatever… it doesnt have to be that, but theres a lot you can do to those type of things…

i’d be interested in one of these. i may have the technical talent but i don’t know if i have the creativity for it…

hey i didnt see this, would you like to do it?