PHP,Action Script, XML coders Needed

I am totaly burned out trying to code the sites I design for clients on my own. I would much rather pay someone to do it for me. I am looking for a coder that lives in the United states; thats on call from time to time to do small code projects. Nothen big just some email forms and data base stuff. My current client is a R&D company out of South Dakota. I pay very well and more.

Send your resume to
Or Fax it to 605-399-4309

Up my alley, and I’m always available to work. You can check out the beta version of my portfolio here:

and i have some interesting stuff here

edit: resume here:

Currently doing freelance work, mostly php, css, actionscript.

No place for Europeans eh ? :frowning:

That’s a pity ain’t it?

Sorry Voetsjoeba, Im not trying to keep you out. Its just easyer to pay people in the U.S unless you take credit. Then thats another story.

I understand. That shouldn’t be a reason though :stuck_out_tongue: