Php and flash ( problem when hitting enter)

I’ve got a problem with my php. It is a simple form with name email and comments. This php is working on flash. The only problem is when the user presse enter on the comments area to change line the rest of the message is not appearing. I mean when I receive the message it is broken I have only the first paragraphe…

Can you help me

here is my php code:

if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1){
function remove_magic_quotes(&$array)
 foreach($array as $key => $val){
  } else if(is_string($val)){
   $array[$key] = stripslashes($val);



$sendTo = "myemail";
$subject = "Rp";

$headers = "From: " . $_POST["firstName"] ." ". $_POST["lastname"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">

$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "

$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];

$message = $_POST["message"];

mail($sendTo, $subject, utf8_decode($message), $headers);



can it be a server side problem?

ummm might want to check that your input field in flash is set to multi line. outside of that i see no reason to error, nor can i tell you anything else unless it outputs some sort of error code. try running the script w/o flash so you can see the output and see if it runs properly

I tried with a new script… Stille the same stuff… in html no problem all worked. So i figured out that the problem is in flash. Th input text is a multiline. It use verdana so no problem for the embed caracter. There is also set to antialiasing for readability.

for the code is a bit simple all my text box (name, email, business, and comments ) are in a movie clip *webform" which as this code on it:


and a button send outside the movie clip has

on (press) {
	form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");


also I activited ounce the html formaing and all was working but I see all the anoying code but all was working perfectly.