PHP and form variables

I’m trying to insert a record using the following code:

  $time = $_POST['hour'] . ":" . $_POST['minute'];
  $sql="INSERT INTO res_tblReservation(resDate,time,numGuests,
     email)  VALUES('$_POST[date]','$time','$_POST[numPeople]',
  $qOutput=odbc_exec($conn,$sql) or die(mysql_error());
  print "Success!";

Execution gets as far as the odbc_exec function before returning the following error:

Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement., SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect in D:\Inetpub\dcwebdev\reservationizer\main.php on line 128

I’m sure I’m missing something obvious. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I found the answer. The issue was that I had named one of the database columns using a reserved word.