PHP/Apache Installation?

I was following the PHP installation for Windows at Webmonkey (Tutorial Link) but the link they provide to download the latest Windows binary file is a dead one. I have no idea what to do to install and start playing around with PHP. Would appreciate any help please.



i did that a couple of times… just read the install.txt file, it really everything you might need… make sure you have apache installed before you do that though… installing apache’s pretty straight forward… keep in mind though that php support for apache2 is experimental, you’re better off running 1.3.27

So read the install.txt for PHP or is this Apache?

I don’t even know how to get Apache. Went to their site but was a bit confused about where to get it from. :sigh:


here’s the apache installer

after you install it, install the php module following the instructions in it’s install.txt file


download this package, not as stable an up-to-date as a manual installation, but it works (and requires minimal set up) :slight_smile:

Ok I’m installing Apache now… but I’ve got to fill in the Network domain, Server name and Administrator’s email. Uhh network domain and server name? I have none? I’m in over my head with this :frowning:

More help please :frowning:

uh bumpage?

PHP, Apache, MySQL bundles

If you are just doing development on you home PC, I recommend getting a package like the ones listed above.

It makes things a lot simpler and easier.

I use this package.
EDIT: If you insist on continuing with what you’re doing at the moment, and you’re doing development on your home PC, the two options would be localhost.

Yeah I think that is what I want njs. A bundle. I’m only planning on playing around with PHP and Flash. Didn’t realise I needed a actual server :-\ :trout: